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Some background information about the originator of Heart-Thump Music

I am an independent song writer located in Southern California.
I write country, rock, country cross over and songs with a spiritual flavor. 

Most of my songs are meant to be meaningful and convey a certain sentiment or message. They are serious or wry comments on life and situations that people are forced into as they grow and age.  

For example, about half of us, from our twenties to forties, end up divorced or separated, and we are thrown back into the awkward singles scene.  My song,
"Skin Deep Romance", was written about the silliness of singles dance clubs. "Sex Roulette" was about a friend who had a bad habit of having one night stands.  "Half of Us Is Me, Half of Us Is You" comments on what happens as relationships age and people try to stay together.

I originated from a family of long standing military and community service.  Most of my uncles, cousins, and brothers were in the military voluntarily and willingly and proudly served their country overseas.

"It Was the Greatest Test of Me" was written to commemorate and honor all veterans of War - particularly those from World War II. to Vietnam - as many of these people, many now grandparents, have been forgotten about by younger people who are not aware that freedom has never been free.
